Huntsville Community Drumline offers an extracurricular option for youth to be involved in a positive, community-based activity. In addition to teaching drumming, a craft that will help participants compete for college scholarships, we focus on the development of self respect, respect for others, self discipline and pride in our community.
It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men
Help Us Make A Change
On average, Huntsville Community Drumline will spend $1,400 per student each year. This includes a training facility, professional music instruction, practice drums, performance drums, sticks, mallets, sheet music, practice pads, snacks, after school care, transportation to performances, leadership training, mentoring, enrichment activities, guest artists and much more.
These programs are free to students, and funded by grants, sponsorships, performance stipends, community and individual donations.
HCDL provides music education, after school programs, instruments, equipment and transportation to and from performances for students who are interested in learning about drumming and percussion - all TUITION FREE!
Huntsville Community Drumline is an Alabama based 501(c)3 non-profit that provides free music education programming to youth in grades 1-12 and "seasoned" adults.